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Handbook of X-ray Imaging: Physics and Technology (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering) Hardcover


Handbook of X-ray Imaging: Physics and Technology (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering) Hardcover

Original price was: $689.99.Current price is: $519.99.

Publisher : CRC Press; 1st edition (25 January 2018)
Language : English
Hardcover : 1419 pages
Item Weight : 3 kg 420 g
Dimensions : 22.23 x 5.72 x 27.94 cm

SKU: MDB013 Categories: ,

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Handbook of X-ray Imaging: Physics and Technology (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering) Hardcover

  • Containing chapter contributions from over 130 experts, this unique publication is the first handbook dedicated to the physics and technology of X-ray imaging, offering extensive coverage of the field. This highly comprehensive work is edited by one of the world?s leading experts in X-ray imaging physics and technology and has been created with guidance from a Scientific Board containing respected and renowned scientists from around the world.
  • The book’s scope includes 2D and 3D X-ray imaging techniques from soft-X-ray to megavoltage energies, including computed tomography, fluoroscopy, dental imaging and small animal imaging, with several chapters dedicated to breast imaging techniques. 2D and 3D industrial imaging is incorporated, including imaging of artworks. Specific attention is dedicated to techniques of phase contrast X-ray imaging.
  • The approach undertaken is one that illustrates the theory as well as the techniques and the devices routinely used in the various fields. Computational aspects are fully covered, including 3D reconstruction algorithms, hard/software phantoms, and computer-aided diagnosis. Theories of image quality are fully illustrated. Historical, radioprotection, radiation dosimetry, quality assurance and educational aspects are also covered.
  • This handbook will be suitable for a very broad audience, including graduate students in medical physics and biomedical engineering; medical physics residents; radiographers; physicists and engineers in the field of imaging and non-destructive industrial testing using X-rays; and scientists interested in understanding and using X-ray imaging techniques.
  • The handbook’s editor, Dr. Paolo Russo, has over 30 years? experience in the academic teaching of medical physics and X-ray imaging research. He has authored several book chapters in the field of X-ray imaging, is Editor-in-Chief of an international scientific journal in medical physics, and has responsibilities in the publication committees of international scientific organizations in medical physics.


  • Comprehensive coverage of the use of X-rays both in medical radiology and industrial testing
  • The first handbook published to be dedicated to the physics and technology of X-rays
  • Handbook edited by world authority, with contributions from experts in each field

About the Author

  • Paolo Russo was born in Naples, Italy, in 1958. In 1981, he graduated in Physics from the University of Naples Federico II.
  • From 1984, he was a Research Associate at the University before becoming an Associate Professor in 1992 and then a Full Professor of Medical Physics in 2001. His scientific research is focused on the development of medical imaging systems for digital radiography, computed tomography, and nuclear medicine.
  • The applications of such systems includes autoradiography with microstrip and pixel semiconductor detectors; digital mammography with photon counting detectors; small animal SPECT and semiconductor compact gamma cameras; and a prototype scanner for cone-beam breast computed tomography using attenuation based and phase contrast based methods.
  • From 2008 to 2012, Paolo served as the Associate Editor of the journal “Physica Medica” (European Journal of Medical Physics), before being appointed as the Editor-in-Chief of this journal in January 2013. He is also the vice-chair of the Publications Committee of the IOMP and the chair of the Publications and Communications Committee of the EFOMP.
  • In addition, he frequently acts as a reviewer for several journals in Medical Physics and for research projects for the European Research Foundations. Dr. Russo has co-authored over 140 papers in peer reviewed journals and many scientific book chapters.


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